Bath Salts

Bath SaltsThe information below applies to all “Bath Salts” listed on this site.

  • Purpose: Bath salts are water-soluble, rich minerals that are added to water to be used for bathing.  It is said that bath salts are beneficial for the skin and help alleviate sore muscles.
  • Directions: Fill tub with warm water. Add about ½ cup of bath salts into a filled tub for an average size bathtub (but the amount added is per consumer’s preference).  As always, carefully enter your bathtub and enjoy a well-deserved soak.  Store bath salts in a dry, cool, dark place.
  • Warning: Use bath salts only as intended/directed.
  • Ingredients: Natural magnesium sulfate, organic pink Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Pure Essential/Fragrance Oils.

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